
Hello There
I'm Mahmoud Mohie
Front-end Web developer

As a Front-end Developer I Build Things For The Web ✨

Resume E-mail



Face Recognition App

Full-stack Project bulit with React.js, Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL , Clarifai API and Tackyons. After Writing the picture URL, The APP recognizes the faces in the picture and put boxes on them .

Weather website

Fetching weather data from an API based on your location and display it .It was created with JS and API


The project involves fetching user data from an API and displaying it, along with a corresponding Ghost image. Additionally, the project includes a search bar that automatically displays search results based on the user's input as they type.

leon website

Personal Website to introduce yourself and offer your services.built with just HTML and CSS code.

Chat App - CSS Illustration

This is a solution to the Chat app CSS illustration challenge on Frontend Mentor.built with CSS custom properties, Flexbox and CSS Grid.


CSS Illustration With Animation.Two little boxes moving inside 'EL' letter.built with CSS Grid and Animation





Since the owner of this site is so lazy, Stay stuned for articles will be added soon



Hey 👋! My name is Mahmoud Mohie and I am a software developer from Egypt. I have a strong focus on frontend development.
Focused and enthusiastic developer with a keen interest in software development and artificial intelligence. By comprehensive exposure to the underlying concepts and applying them vividly to various projects, my love for these domains came into being. I am a passionate individual who thrives to build and apply algorithms to solve real-world industry problems.

If you're interested, you can find more information on my Github to see some of the projects I have worked on.
When I'm not working or coding, you can find me spending time outdoors, enjoying a mate, or reading a good book.
Thanks for taking the time to read my profile.



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